Aren’t you grateful for the chance for a new start each year? There’s something beautiful about the clock striking midnight on December 31st. The countdown, fanfare, celebration, and excitement confirm that humanity is perpetually eager to usher in a new year and a fresh start.
Did you accomplish all your goals in 2012? If not, you have the opportunity to start on a clean slate in 2013. As our pastor pointed out, “If you want something different, do something different.” We won’t get different results from doing things the same way we’ve always done them.
"Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap," (Ecclesiastes 11:4). My interpretation of this quote: Stop waiting for life to happen to you. Take action!
What are your goals for this new year? What have you been meaning to do but just haven’t made it happen? This is a new day in a new year. Let’s resolve to do those things that are important to us. Let’s stop putting things off and waiting for a more opportune time. The time is here. The time is now.
“Behold, he makes all things new,” (Revelation 21:5). January is the reality of all things being made new. The gift of a new year is ours. Let’s open it with intentionality.