Christmas in July

The kids enjoyed a meal of fish,
chicken, greens, tomato salad,
chapati (flat bread) and soda.
Christmas in July is always a big hit with the kids.  In this part of Kenya, people don’t celebrate Christmas with big celebrations or gifts opting just for a big meal, but here, the kids get a big dinner, the message of why we celebrate Christmas, and presents.  The children’s sponsors sent extra money last month so they could each receive a gift and go on a field trip.

Opening presents
Posing with cool new sunglasses and knitted hats
Having fun on the playground at the arcade

Bumper cars!

Spinning tea cups
Fun at the pool

This monkey is one of about 30 that were
surrounding the picnic area at the hotel where
we had lunch; the bolder ones tried to steal
our lunches--they were unsuccessful.

Reflections by Jimmy Marr, Living Hope board member

July 4, 2013: I thought this day would never  arrive.  I was so excited about going to Kenya to see first-hand how God was working through Living Hope.  When we finally arrived at the airport, Sherwood and Bethany picked us up to take us to the orphanage.  On our drive to the orphanage, I about wet my pants twice because of the way everyone drives.  Let me say, riding on the roads in Kenya solved my fears of riding with my 15 year-old daughter. 

I know God’s command for his people is to care for widows and orphans and I am excited to actually do this ministry.  The kids were amazing; I loved playing soccer with them and doing night time devotions.  This all confirmed to me that God has called me to serve orphans and widows. 

One thing God showed me during my stay at The Hope Center is, this place is very nice and God has blessed it through many people.  However, the work there is far from being done.  There is much more work to be done still.

Although the Hope Center is great and God is blessing, the village is suffering.  I met many widows whose homes were falling apart.  Also, as we played soccer at the Hope Center, twenty or so kids lined up at the fence wanting to play.  People are having to walk miles to get water to drink.  The church is so packed that no one else can come   inside.  Many people do not have Bibles so they can understand what Christ has called them to do and become.  I sense God wanting us to help the      Kenyans reach and help other Kenyans.  

I think we should build a community well on the Church property.  The Church can give both living waters and real water.  They are both needed in this community.  We also need to help the Kenyans to enlarge the church and build homes for widows. 

I really enjoyed seeing the work God has done, and I know he is not finished there.  We need to pray and be willing to sell whatever we have to help our brothers and sisters in Christ just as they did in the book of Acts.  It is when we become one and full of love for each other that people will see God is real.